
Hello, my name is Akshay Bansod. I’m a software architect and developer based in Pune, India, with a passion for creating innovative solutions. Currently, I work as a Tech Lead at ThoughtWorks, where I leverage over 12 years of experience in the tech industry.

My journey in technology has allowed me to take on roles such as Domain Architect, Solution Architect, and Tech Lead. I’ve had the opportunity to design and implement scalable solutions, lead cross-functional teams, and contribute to strategic initiatives that align technology with business goals. My focus has been on developing highly scalable, event-driven architecture and distributed systems.

I’m proficient in Kotlin, Java, TypeScript, and various technologies, including Kafka, Cassandra, DynamoDB, Solr, Kubernetes, and AWS cloud services. These skills enable me to craft solutions that optimize performance and drive innovation.

Feel free to reach out if you share an interest in technology, architecture, or if you’d like to discuss potential collaborations.

Designing Application for Elastic Load, Not Predictive Load
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